Checklist Of Top Features That Your Event App Must Have

September 28, 2021
Checklist Of Top Features That Your Event App Must Have

Event companies place a high premium on time-saving and delivering a superior experience for attendees. But this is often a challenge to achieve. Event businesses that need to coordinate with clients, sponsors, attendees, and others require all the help they can get in order to carry out events successfully. With the help of a reputed event app development company, you can get a sophisticated product to ensure that your events are fully managed and streamlined.

Because of the cutthroat competition as well as the fact that the number of corporate events is increasing with each passing year, event app providers are creating products that offer matchless value to their clients. Have a look at the key features that are included in popular event apps.

Top Features Of Event Management Apps

Event check-in & registration

This is a vital feature that allows smooth registration for attendees of the event. Event companies and businesses hosting conferences require this feature to track all of the attendees and ensure that every aspect lives up to their expectations. What’s more, online registration saves companies time and effort and also allows attendees to do so without any hassles, according to their convenience.

Event management

With this feature, you will be able to handle and monitor your financial records seamlessly. You will easily look after expenses, funds and figure out savings. This feature has the capacity to help you make clear estimates of costs for every phase of your event. Data from proper databases allows you to manage your budget and host a successful event.

Event Marketing/Promotion and Social integration

Promoting and marketing is an important aspect of event planning. You require a robust marketing plan (inclusive of social media) to generate awareness for your forthcoming event or conference. Using an event app development company, you can include this vital feature in your event app. The event promotion/marketing feature offers you the tool to spread your reach to a wide audience and expand the number of attendees at your event. A few top approaches for event promotion via an app include:

  • Incentives
  • Gamification
  • Promo Codes
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media


Payment integration

Putting forward diverse payment alternatives is important for an event app. It not only helps attendees to carry out payments but also allows host businesses to make payments to planners and facilitates sponsors’ contributions. You can include reliable, secure, and popular payment gateway alternatives to your event app.

Sponsor promotion

Sponsors play a significant role in events. It can either bring success or utter failure when not handled correctly. An event app development company can create event apps like tradeshow app, conference app, music concert app, and so on and highlight the sponsors involved prominently, giving them their due publicity. Additionally, the app gives sponsors access to attendee’s details which they can leverage to their advantage.

Announcements and notifications

You would need a feature that ensures that your potential attendees are fed with up-to-date event details. This feature creates a bridge of communication between planners and attendees. Using the app’s push notifications and email options allows you to send out reminders and alerts to potential attendees informing them about updates and incentives connected to the upcoming event. Additionally, including a feature for built-in messaging allows attendees the opportunity to communicate with each other and boosts engagement considerably.

Those of you looking to find success in the event management line need to approach an event app development company to create for you a high-performance event management app. So, are you ready for seamless planning and workflow with an event app?

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